Saturday, October 4, 2014

Valence to Adge

At this point, we just need a few days at the beach, so that's where we're headed. The weather looks iffy, but we'll try our hand.

We can't find our way to the chateau ruins above the hotel, so we move south along le Rhône. As we reach the town of Rochemaure, we see more ruins on the ridge.
Chateau de Rochmaure
This time we are more successful reaching the chateau.  The road up is a lane-and-a-half with turnouts.

Here, the ruins are occupied. People have restored parts of the chateau, and are using them for homes. They have quite a view.

From Rochemaure, it's on to Orange. We are getting into an area of France where the evidence of Roman occupation is much easier to find. On the north end of Orange is a Roman triumphal arch dedicated to the Emperor Tiberius.

In the center of the city is the Theater Antique, which also dates from the Romans. They still give performances in the ruins.

Lunch is at a nice spot on le Rhône. Tractors pulling wagons full of grapes go by. It's wine harvest time.

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